Well, it has been a LONG time since I posted something. Having two kids really keeps me busy. I think my last post was about Ethan being born and now he is 8 months old! He is crawling around like crazy, climbing, pulling up on things, and even sometimes taking steps behind the walker! I think he will be walking on his own very soon. He is such a happy baby!
Kaylin is a great big sister. She plays with Ethan, sings to him, and loves going in his room to wake him up for the morning. When he is down for his morning nap she asks where he is and says that she wants to play with him. Just the other day when I was giving them a bath, she gave Ethan a hug and said “Mommy, …E(f)an’s my best friend!” It was so cute!!
There are so many things that I could write about Kaylin and Ethan, but I think I will dedicate a post to each of them individually (better start now so I get it posted within the next year…ha!) Anyway, having the two of them is wonderful. It’s so great getting double the cuteness, love, smiles, and sweet moments. However, you also get double the trouble! It is harder to keep an eye on both of them, so with that being said………………here are some pictures of the trouble moments and sweet moments:
--Trouble Moments--
Ethan climbing up the steps to the slide!

Kaylin helping Daddy with his Bible lesson.

After waking up from her nap,....Kaylin played very quietly in her room. This is what I came in to see!

Ethan trying to walk behind his walker!

Kaylin drew a picture with markers!......

.....she also drew on her arm!!

Ethan doing some crazy climbing moves!

Trying to get Kaylin's juice and snack!

Kaylin's words: "I just go pee pee......I need a little paper. It's ok Mommy!"

Kaylin got into some hair clips that Gran gave her.

I helped fix them in her hair for a picture.

Ethan (in his lowered crib) wanting to climb out after he had just fallen out the day before!

He decided he wanted to go play in the tent with balls all by himself.

--Sweet Moments--
Kaylin holding Ethan at Christmas.

Is Ethan sleeping in her arms?

Found them in the playroom like this!

Reading books together...so cute!

Kaylin tickling Ethan!

They are so precious! :)

Kaylin sat at the end of the hall and called Ethan to her. He crawled all the way down the hall to her!

One of my FAVORITES.....touching hands!

Ethan and Kaylin on Easter.

Kaylin wanted to play with Ethan in his crib.

Soo sweet!

LOVE this picture!

She was singing him a song.

Giving little brother a hug :)

Sweet kisses from Kaylin to Ethan!