Here is Kaylin in her birthday outfit posing at the window.

Kaylin was laughing like crazy in this picture....I don't remember what I did to get this out of her!

Thought this one was cute of her and Dodge looking out the window together.

Kaylin had to check out her birthday outfit(I made her)by running around in the playroom!

Here she is a little tired from running around.

The next 5 or 6 photos are ones that I took close up for a mini photo shoot!

Here we are singing Happy Birthday to her.

This is Kaylin as she finished blowing out her candle.

When we asked her how old she was, she would hold up these two fingers and say "I'mmmm TWO!".

No mess! She is very neat when she eats.

Well, that is it for her birthday pictures. I know it wasn't much, but I still need to get pictures up from Myrtle Beach, Camp Meeting, and a few belly shots with Kaylin. I only have about 4 1/2 weeks to get caught up. This baby is running out of room and will be here before I know it! Thanks for checking in!!
She looks so cute in her outfit! Good job!
Love the pictures! I especially like the one of her eating her neat and clean!
Okay, your daughter is TOOO stinkin cute!! I'm glad you're having another because the world needs more of your genes in it! :)
And hooray for the cricut on your freezer paper stuff. I'll have to try it out one day. AWESOME!
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