Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ethan is here!!

Ethan is here! Well, ok...he has BEEN here. He is already about to be a month old!! I can't believe how fast time goes by.....especially with two kids now! Things are going well though. Kaylin absolutely LOVES Ethan and can be a little too helpful sometimes. They are geat and I love being a mother to two kids. Well, here are some pictures...don't have much time to write today.
Ethan was so little! In this picture you can see how his little sternum sticks up. But, now you can hardly see it since he has been putting on weight.

Here is Jacob, Ethan and myself soon after delivery.

Jacob smiling at Ethan!...one of my favorites!

Jacob was able to do a lot with Ethan....here he is putting on Ethan's cap.

Ethan taking a rest after the nurses have checked him.

Here we are with our new little boy!

Kaylin pointing at Ethan the first time she saw him.

She was excited and gave Ethan a kiss!

Kaylin holding Ethan for the first time! She was soo sweet and gentle with him.

Me and Kaylin in her "BIG Sister" shirt we made together!

The Thome Family~~ Our first family photo.....of four!

We made it home!

Well, now that I have had a little time to get the hang of dealing with two kids.... maybe I can start keeping this updated! Thanks for checking in.


Jill said...

Yay for a blog post! :) I need to see that little boy soon! I'm sure he's already changed so much!

Leah Hulsey said...

What a precious family!! I'm going to have to make a big sister shirt...too cute!!!