Monday, January 10, 2011


Ok, so this post is a little random. Well, a lot! First of all, I just realized (scrolling throughh my blog) that I never officially announced my pregnancy on here!! So, surprise......I'm 15 weeks today! HA!! :)

Next, Jacob and I were able to get a night out to ourselves! We went to an Atlanta Falcons game and really enjoyed our time together. We will really miss it when this 3rd baby arrives. Here are a few pictures from that night:

Last but not least, the crazy two kids we already have!

Here is a fun picture of Kaylin. She did this all on her on!

Now, Ethan is not totally to blame for his pictures. I asked Jacob to get him some dinner and he decided to give him a bowl of spaghetti!! NOT, what I would have picked......especially since he allowed him to eat it on his own! Here are some pictures from that mistake:

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yay for a new blog!! I died when I saw the pictures of Ethan and his funny! :)