Thursday, March 26, 2009


I know it has been a long time since I've posted, but this post was worth the wait!!!! Kaylin is growing so fast and talking up a storm. She surprises me daily with new words and cute sayings. However, her latest interest has been singing songs!! I was very lucky to catch her in a good singing mood, after eating her dinner. I'm soo excited to share this video with you of her singing some songs. She starts off with 5 Little Monkeys (she repeats this many don't think that it is all she does the whole video). Then she tries to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider (with a small case of the hiccups) ..that is followed by her ABC's, Jesus Loves ME (we're still working on this one) and then Rock-a-bye Baby. I hope you enjoy the video!! Sorry it is so close to her face.....I wanted to make sure you could hear her.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yay!! This video is going to be so fun to watch when she gets older! I can't believe you captured all of her songs into one video clip! :)