Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, I felt the baby move for the first time on April 1st! No, it is not an April fool's joke. That was the exact day that I turned 16 weeks. In just a week, this baby has started kicking and moving stronger. It was so strong that I was very shocked the few times it would happen. Lately, the baby has been moving a lot more when it happens. To explain how crazy this baby is.....Jacob felt the baby kick this week!!! Isn't that crazy???? I thought the kicks/movement was strong enough for him to feel it, but it has totally confused me with it being this early. I've heard that you feel the baby earlier your second pregnancy,...but I didn't think for one moment that other people would be able to feel it so soon. We may have a little soccer player in there!!!

Well, everything is going well. I had a doctor's visit this Monday and the news was that I had lost 2lbs., the heartbeat was good, and that we will be doing the ultrasound on May 4th!!! Yay!! I can't wait to see this baby again. For all of you wondering.......NO, we are NOT finding out if it is a boy or girl. We didn't with Kaylin and we're not going to with this one. The only way we would find out would be if it was an accident! Oh, for those of you who don't know... here are our names: boy-Ethan Jacob and girl-Brooklyn Joy ......Let us know what you think!! Hope you are all doing well!!


Alison said...

My middle name is Joy and I love it.

Jill said...

Yay for moving babies! I can't wait to see you soon and see your belly move! :)