Things were not great at first. Kaylin had a hard time sharing and Chess was overwhelmed with excitement. Any toy Kaylin picked up....Chess wanted to come and play with her. However, Kaylin's thought was that she was coming to take the toy away! So, we heard many "no-no-no that's mine!!" from Kaylin, but squeals of delight from Chess. She is so sweet! Alison also has an oversized rocker that the girls really enjoyed together. They smiled and laughed a lot when Alison would rock them.

When the weather was a little nicer, we decided to take them outside to play. This was a GREAT idea. They took turns on the slide and enjoyed playing with each other. Kaylin would pick flowers and take them to Chess. It was so cute. They played with some flowers together and also played with some rocks. We hope to take them swimming the next time we get together. That was the plan for this visit, but the weather was bad. Hopefully, our next visit will be sooner than later because Alison and I are both pregnant and will have our hands full!!

Thanks for checking in!
They are so cute. It looks like they had a great time together.
You got some really good pictures! I think overall the girls had a good time together. Thanks for coming and we'll do it again soon!
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